Blog posts


Leveraging Pandas to Interact with SQL


In the realm of data management and analysis, two powerful tools stand out: SQL and Pandas. While their names might sound unfamiliar to someone who has never handled databases, their potential to revolutionize how we handle data cannot be overstated. In this beginner’s guide, I want to delve into the world of SQL databases and Pandas. We will explore their fundamental concepts and demonstrate how they can be seamlessly integrated to unlock new possibilities in data manipulation and analysis.

Stock analysis


In this notebook we will carry the trend analysis of technology stocks.


Time series analysis


We will discuss the time series analysis using finance data. The techniques like Moving Average (MA) , Autoregressive (AR) and Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model (ARIMA) will be dicussed. For modelling the time series we will be using the statsmodel library for the data acquired using Yahoo finance api.

Portfolio Analysis


We create a portfolio of stocks from American markets, analyze their performance and try to acess the risk in future.